Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Preliminary characterization of a spray-dried hydrocolloid from a high andean algae (nostoc sphaericum) 

      Choque Quispe, David; Mojo Quisani, Antonieta; Ligarda Samanez, Carlos A.; Calla Florez, Miriam; Ramos Pacheco, Betsy S.; Zamalloa Puma, Lourdes Magaly; Peralta Guevara, Diego E.; Solano Reynoso, Aydeé M.; Choque Quispe, Yudith; Zamalloa Puma, Alan; Palomino Malpartida, Ybar G.; Medina Quiquin, Leidy D.; Kari Ferro, Aydeé (Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland., 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      The search for new natural sources of hydrocolloids with stabilizing, thickening, and good binding capacity, from raw materials that are environmentally friendly and that contribute to the circular economy is a challenge ...
    • Storage conditions and adsorption thermodynamic Propertiesfor purple Corn 

      Choque Quispe, David; Ramos Pacheco, Betsy S.; Choque Quispe, Yudith; Aguilar Salazar, Rolando F.; Mojo Quisani, Antonieta; Calla Florez, Miriam; Solano Reynoso, Aydeé M.; Zamalloa Puma, Miluzka M.; Palomino Malpartida, Ybar G.; Alcarraz Alfaro, Tarcila; Zamalloa Puma, Alan (Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland., 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      Adsorption isotherms provide insight into the thermodynamic properties governed by food storage conditions. Adsorption isotherms of purple corn of the Canteño variety were evaluated at 18, 25, and 30 C, for the equilibrium ...
      Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas

      Jr. Juan Francisco Ramos N° 380. Andahuaylas - Apurimac - Perú | Telf. 083-422176 anexo 1000

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