• Multimetal removal in aqueous medium using a potato starch/nopal mucilage copolymer: A study of adsorption kinetics and isotherms 

      Choque Quispe, David; Ligarda Samanez, Carlos Alberto; Choque Quispe, Yudith; Solano Reynoso, Aydeé M.; Ramos Pacheco, Betsy S.; Zamalloa Puma, Miluzka M.; Álvarez López, Genaro Julio; Zamalloa Puma, Alan; Choque Quispe, Katya; Alzamora Flores, Humberto (Elsevier B.V., 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      In reducing heavy metals from water for direct or indirect consumption, various synthetic materials have been used; there is a tendency to use natural, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly materials. The aim was ...
      Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas

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